瞬く森 - The Bass Collective
NAGALU-009/10 (2024)
OUT ON 3.16.2024 (¥4,500+tax)
The Bass Collective
田辺和弘 | 瀬尾高志 | 田嶋真佐雄

通常交わることのない異ジャンルのベーシスト3人からなるコントラバスだけのアンサンブル、The Bass Collective。3台のコントラバスによって立ち現れる深く広大な音の森は、想像を超えるほどに色彩豊かで生命力に満ち溢れている。
read more about "瞬く森" | EN | JP |
瞬く森 – The Bass Collective
Disc 1
1. 森の扉
2. ただ月をながむる
3. タンゴ・エクリプス全三章
4. Improvisation I
5. Echoes of Moonlight
6. Improvisation II
Disc 2
2. Improvisation III
3. 白い梟
4. Improvisation IV
5. 逆夢のブーゲンビリア
6. 待春
7. 瞬く森 (Improvisation)
[Disc 1] 2 [Disc 2] 2, 5 composed by Kazuhiro Tanabe(田辺和弘)
[Disc 1] 4,5 [Disc 2] 1 composed by Takashi Seo (瀬尾高志)
[Disc 1] 1 [Disc 2] 3,4,6 composed by Masao Tajima(田嶋真佐雄)
[Disc 1] 6 [Disc 2] 7 composed by Kazuhiro Tanabe, Takashi Seo, Masao Tajima
[Disc 1] 3 composed by Tetsu Saitoh (齋藤徹)
Produced by Shinya Fukumori(福盛進也)
The Bass Collective:
田辺和弘 (contrabass)
瀬尾高志 (contrabass)
田嶋真佐雄 (contrabass)
Recorded at Sekiguchidai Studio, Tokyo
October 21 & 22, 2023
Recording & Mixing Engineer: Yuichi Takahashi
Assistant Engineer: Tomoya Nakamura
Mastering Engineer: Shinji Yoshikoshi
Cover & Liner Drawings: Maeko Sato
Design: Yume Satou
A&R: Masayasu Hanai (hanai studio)
Production Management: Yuji Hirashima (King International)
Special thanks to Tetsu Saitoh and his family